Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Just a quick note.

I am not here to give official medical advice. I am not a qualified nutritionist, doctor, etc so everything I post here is based on my experiences and the experiences of others who have discovered the same path.

I am also not the best writer, so there will be spelling and grammar errors from time to time as I get used to writing more frequently. Hopefully this blog will make a better writer out of me.

I am just a 21 year old college student who over the past 3 years has researched enough about health and nutrition to get to the bottom of my chronic folliculitis.

Many of the link's I post will recommend different aspects of diet such as macronutrient content (carbs, proteins, and fats). Experiment with these and find what you do best on. I can only speak for myself, and I do better with a moderate carb, moderate fat and low protein diet. Low protein does not mean like 20grams. This is not some vegan diet. I am 5'8 and around 130lbs (not big) so 60-80 grams of protein does me just fine.

I will recommended different topicals and supplements from time to time on here, take my advice with speculation and experiment for yourself. Some will work and some will not. Most topical's are just a band-aid and won't get rid of your condition especially if it is chronic, but it does not hurt to try.

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